
Posts Tagged ‘ezflash 3 in 1’

hwo to use Acekard 2i and EZ flash 3 in1 to play GBA games on DS/DSL

September 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Here is my guide on how to use this acekard 2i and EZ flash 3in1 to play GBA games on your nintnedo DS console.  As we know that ak2i is a slot-1 flashcard which can not play GBA games on DS,but with a Ez flash 3 in 1, you can play GBA games freely, and it also working great as well, let’s see how it works.

Things Required

1. Acekard 2i
2. EZ flash 3 in 1
3. DS console  of course you need.

Ok, let’s get it started

1. Download the acekard 2i firmware  AKAIO V1.8.8

2. Put the ak2i firmware in your SD card.

3. Download some GBA games.

4. Download GBA GBAExploader 

5. Unzip the file and copy the GBA_Exploader.nds and GBA_Exploader.ini files in your SD card.

6. Create a folder named “GBA”  and put your GBA games in this folder.

Ok, everything is ready, put the acekard 2i and EZ flash 3 in1  in your DS console.

Power on and login the ak2i UI, you will see the icon “GBA_Exploader.nds ”  clikc it and login

Chooose the GAB game you want to play and flash it

After done, you can enjoy playing thegba games, and you can take out the Ak2i anbd still play the games.

Not only Ackard 2i can play GBA games with EZ flash 3 in 1 , other flashcard also have this feature, and the method is similar, after you know this methos, you can enjoy it with any flashcard.